5. oktober 2011
18.00 – 19.00


Kateri otroci sovraštva so dojeni v tem izzivalnem performansu? Njegov cilj
je nedvomno refleksija vojnih zločinov, storjenih na tleh nekdanje Jugoslavije,
vendar s psihoseksualnega zornega kota. Kdo je dejansko za-dojil vojne
zločince? Ne glede na to, ali gledaš na stvari s psihoanalitskih odgovorov
Freuda, Junga, Adlerja ali Frankla, je še vedno treba odgovoriti na vprašanja,
ki so odmev brezčasnih antičnih grških legend. Vendar to ni mit, preglasi ga
resničnost grozot. Ojdipovske teme boleče vsiljujejo vprašanja o krivdi in
grehu in gledalec je prepuščen lastnemu razumevanju utehe človeštva, odnosom
med spoloma in karikature vojne, ki je še vedno prisotna v srcih številnih
ljudi. Performans je bil narejen posebej za Mesto žensk 2011. (Predrag Pajdić)

in organizacija: Mesto žensk; V sodelovanju: Galerija Škuc.

Umetnice in sodelujoče
Lana Zdravković

Lana Zdravković - XXX YU


children of hate are being fed in this challenging performance? There is no
doubt that this aims to reflect on the phenomenon of the war crimes of Yugoslavia through a gender perspective. Who,
actually, did the breastfeeding of the war criminals? There are no punches
pulled in familiar references; whether you choose to view this from Freudian, Jungian,
Adler or Frankl psychoanalytical responses, you still have to answer the
questions that echo the timeless lessons from ancient Greek legends. But this
is no myth and the reality of the horrors scream out. Oedipal themes
uncomfortably force questions of blame and sin, and the viewer is left to
address their own understanding of the succour of mankind, gender relations and
the reality of the travesty of a war very much still in the hearts of many.
This performance has been commissioned for City of Women 2011. (Predrag Pajdic)