24. september 2019
5. oktober 2019

Živele! Performativni aperitiv k videoumetnosti

// premiera 24. 9. v slovenščini; ponovitev 5. 10. v angleščini //

Nov performans Ane Čigon Živele! Performativni aperitiv k videoumetnosti, posvečen videoumetnosti, ki so jo med letoma 1995 in 2019 ustvarile slovenske videastke. Z eklektičnim spajanjem pisnih, govornih in performativnih citatov umetnica oblikuje performativno zgodbo, ki gledalke_ce spodbudi k poglobljenemu ogledu razstavljenih del. Performans je v tem smislu oblikovan kot eksperimentalni zgodovinski pregled, ki se sicer razlikuje od klasičnih kritičnih tekstov, a vendarle oživlja videoarhiv, ga aktualizira in s tem spodbuja k ponovnemu premisleku o pomenu in mestu umetniških del slovenskih videastk v umetnostnozgodovinskem kanonu.

Performans odpira razstavo Živele! 25 let filma in videa

Vstop prost.


Produkcija: Mesto žensk; koprodukcija: SCCA-Ljubljana (Postaja DIVA), KUD Mreža; podpora: Ministrstvo za kulturo, Mestna občina Ljubljana.


Umetnice in sodelujoče
Ana Čigon

Cheers to Women! A Performative Appetizer to Video Art

// premiere September 24th in Slovenian; reprise October 5th in English //

The new performance by Ana Čigon Cheers to Women! A Performative Appetizer to Video Art, dedicated to video art created between 1995 and 2015 by Slovenian female videasts. Through the eclectic merging of written, spoken and performative quotes, the artist is forming a performative tale, encouraging viewers to an in-depth viewing of the exhibited works. In that sense, the performance is formed as an experimental historical overview, otherwise different from the classical critical texts, but nevertheless awakening the video archives, contemporizing it and thereby encouraging a re-thinking of the meaning and position of artwork by Slovenian female video artists within the canon of art history.

Performance is opening a group exhibition Cheers to Women! 25 Years of Film and Video


Production: City of Women; co-production: SCCA-Ljubljana (DIVA Station), KUD Mreža; supported by: Ministry of Culture, City of Ljubljana.