9. October 2009


Many performers, followers, and fans are in love with Chicks on Speed. The group’s audience does not consist of only one particular demographic group; their melange of electrotrash/clash pop and punk – and hip hop inspired DIY aesthetics/ethics are catchy and fun enough to suit any ear and dancing shoes. Singles like “We Don’t Play Guitars” and “Euro Trash Girl” became instant hits and ultimately slogans of the independent continental scene. The dilettantism and subversion of their musical expression is reflected by a direct lyrical expression and unpredictability. In the last decade they have released five studio albums and have appeared on various compilations and remixes. Helena Božič

Before and after the concert, DJane Sladka (Slovenia) and DJ KAA (Slovenia) will warm up the floor.

Organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with: Gala hala.

Artists and collaborators
Melissa Logan & Alex Murray-Leslie