30. September - 21. October 2004


The HTMlles is a bi-annual international media arts
festival exploring various facets of digital technology and the Web as a medium
for the creation and exhibition of artistic works by women, with a particular
emphasis on its cyber-feminist approach, concerns and engagements.
The festival investigates the particularities associated with and embedded
within contemporary Web-based practices that must consider problematics such as
dynamic programming, generative interfaces, computational linguistics,
hypermedia and net ecology. Moreover, these general theoretical and aesthetic
concerns find themselves appropriated, critiqued and deconstructed by feminist
agendas intermingled with cultural and socio-political realities; the event
offers a singular exhibition framework and creates a critical space for women's
contribution to, contamination and construction of cyberspace itself. An
initiative of Studio XX (http://www.studioxx.org),
the next edition will take place in Montreal in May 2005.



Artists and collaborators
Karen Wong