6. October 2011
15.00 – 16.00

Love, Art and Women

The philosopher Katarina Majerhold develops an
interdisciplinary philosophical concept of love and joy. Her activity and
research draw from various fields of philosophy, art, andragogy and medicine,
and in particular focus on the philosophy of emotions, especially philosophy of
love, joy and happiness, as well as on ethics and aesthetics.
The lecture Love, Art and Women is focused on
the author’s notion of the meaning of education of love to oneself and the
essence of art, which is reflected in a triple-crossing of the artwork, artists
and viewers in art. The art in which each of the three elements holds a special
place and role allows for rediscovering and re-possessing the notion of love.
Therefore, an artist cannot truly create unless she loves what she is doing;
the viewers cannot truly admire and enjoy art unless they like it, and unless
they like what they observe or listen to; in the primary genuine sense, the
artist has to love herself.  Finally,
getting to know and loving oneself is a key to a happy, sympathetic and good
life. (Alja Stvarnik)

Organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with: Škuc Gallery.


Artists and collaborators