Eleanor Bauer is an American choreographer and dancer based in Brussels, Belgium. She studied at NYU Tisch School of the Arts and P.A.R.T.S. Her pieces ELEANOR!, At Large and BIG GIRLS DO BIG THINGS have toured internationally to critical acclaim. In September 2013 the creation Midday and Eternity (the time piece) premieres at Kaaitheater, Brussels. It is the closing piece of a trilogy past-present-future that started with the sextet A Dance for the Newest Age (the triangle piece) (2011) and was followed by Tentative Assembly (the tent piece) (2012), a piece for nine dancers. As a performer, Bauer has worked for David Zambrano (Soul Project), Mette Ingvartsen (why we love action), Trisha Brown (Accumulation and Floor of the Forest), Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker (The Song), Xavier Le Roy (low pieces), and Boris Charmatz (levée des conflits and enfant). Bauer's writing on dance has been published in New York’s Movement Research Performance Journal, NDT by Contredanse (Brussels), as well as in various publications by Sarma, everybodys, P.A.R.T.S. and Nadine. She performed at the City of Women festival 2010 in Big Girls do Big Things.